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4 Views· 19 September 2022

Chocolate Cheesecake Made with Boiled Orange Syrup オレンジチョコレートチーズケーキ #StayHome



Foodies love orange slices! As Valentine's Day is approaching, we made a boiled syrup with some oranges and baked a chocolate cheesecake with it layered on top. Chocolate and orange are fantastic together. And quite pretty too.
* Recipe * (Square 18cm pan)
Make the orange simple syrup.
1. First scrub two to three oranges (around 500g - we used 540g) with salt, and then wash with water. Then boil the oranges in a pan for about one minute and wash them to remove any wax or agricultural chemicals.
2. Wipe the moisture from the oranges and thinly slice them to a thickness of just under 5mm.
3. Put 120-150g (we used 120g) of granulated sugar and 100g of water in a pan, apply heat, and melt the sugar.
4. Arrange 2 in the pan. Place an otoshi buta (drop lid) on top and boil on a weak to medium heat for about 40 minutes, turning the oranges from time to time to prevent them from burning.
5. Finally, add 15g of Cointreau and boil for a little while on a high heat before turning it off and cooling.

Make the cheesecake
6. Crush 100g of cookies and mix in one tablespoon (7g) of black cocoa powder. Add 55g of melted unsalted butter and mix.
7. Push 6 into an oven sheet-layered pan to make the bottom. Cool in a refrigerator.
8. Soften 200g of cream cheese.
9. Mix in 60g of sugar, two eggs, and 100g of fresh cream in that order.
10. Add 60g of chocolate that has been melted with hot water.
11. Sieve in 20g of soft flour and 10g of cocoa powder and mix.
12. Pour in 7 and bake for 17 minutes in an oven preheated to 180C.
13. Take out of the oven and layer 5 on top.
14. Place back into the oven and bake for 18 minutes.
15. Once baked, glaze the oranges with the remaining orange syrup while the cake is still hot.
16. After the cake has cooled, chill it thoroughly in a refrigerator. On the following day, or day after that, the bottom will be moist and easy to slice.
17. Slice the cake and eat. You could also sprinkle it with powdered sugar.


1.オレンジ 2~3個(500gくらい 今回 540g)は、まず塩でこすり洗いし、水で洗う。
3.鍋にグラニュー糖 120g~150g(今回 120g)、水 100gを入れ火にかけ、グラニュー糖を煮溶かす。
4.2を並べる。落し蓋をし、途中 何度か返しながら焦がさないように弱めの中火で40分ほど煮る。
5.最後にコアントロー 15gを入れ、火を強めしばらく煮てから火を止め冷ます。

6.クッキー 100gを砕き、ブラックココアパウダー 大さじ 1(7g)を入れ混ぜる。溶かし無塩バター 55gも入れ混ぜる。
8.クリームチーズ 200gをなめらかにする。
9.砂糖 60g、卵 2個、生クリーム 100gの順に加え混ぜる。
10.湯煎で溶かしたチョコレート 60gを入れ混ぜる。
11.薄力粉 20g、ココアパウダー 10gをフルイ入れ、混ぜる。

#orange #chocolate #cheesecake #オレンジ #チョコレート #チーズケーキ #StayHome

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