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0 Views· 17 April 2022

Resep Pizza TEFLON Hanya 7 Menit! [Tanpa Ulen, Tanpa Proofing, Garing, Empuk, Ala Pizza Hut]



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00:00 : intro
01:40 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:15 : mulai membuat adonan (making the dough)
05:49 : mulai membuat topping sarden (making the sardines topping)
09:16 : panggang di teflon (cooking with the Teflon)
11:34 : panggang di oven (baking with the oven)
12:30 : hidangan siap dan tahap serving (the dish is ready to serve)


Resep Pizza Teflon. Pizza salah satu hidangan paling populer yang berasal dari Italia. Roti berbentuk bundar dan pipih ini biasanya diberi topping saus tomat dan keju. Kali ini aku akan sedikit modifikasi menggunakan 2 cara dipanggang menggunakan oven dan teflon. Topping isiannya pun menggunakan Sarden Yamato yang rasanya enak dan tidak amis. Pizza sarden ini cocok dijadikan alternatif camilan favorit kamu di rumah.

Resep Pizza Teflon (untuk 2 loyang / 6 porsi)

Bahan adonan:
135 gr / ml air hangat
7 gr ragi
7 gr gula pasir
¾ sdt garam
1 ½ sdm olive oil
1 sdm madu
250 gr tepung protein sedang

Bahan topping:
3 siung bawang putih, iris
1 siung bawang bombai, iris
100 gr jamur ****ake, iris
2 sdm minyak
1 kaleng Sarden Yamato
10 cabai rawit, iris
2 sdm saus sambal
4 sdm saus tomat

Bahan lainnya:
120 gr keju mozarella parut
2 buah black olive
2 sdm olive oil

1. Aduk air hangat, ragi, dan gula pasir hingga rata lalu diamkan hingga berbuih
2. Masukkan garam, madu, dan olive oil lalu aduk rata
3. Tambahkan tepung terigu, aduk hingga semua menyatu
4. Alasi permukaan talenan atau meja dengan minyak. Bagi dua adonan sama rata kemudian pipihkan dengan rolling pin seukuran pan yang akan digunakan
5. Untuk topping pizza, tumis bawang putih, bawang bombai, dan jamur hingga wangi. Masukkan Sarden Yamato, cabai rawit, saus sambal, dan saus tomat. Masak hingga mengental
6. Panaskan teflon di api sedang, olesi dengan minyak lalu panggang satu sisi pizza hingga matang
7. Balikkan pizza lalu beri topping sarden dan keju mozarella. Tutup dan masak dengan api sedang hingga pizza matang
8. Untuk menggunakan oven. Olesi loyang pizza dengan minyak lalu taruh adonan pizza di atasnya. Beri topping sarden, mozarella, bawang bombai, black olive, dan sedikit olive oil. Panggang di suhu 220°C selama 8-12 menit

Jangan lupa cek Instagram @YAMATOSARDEN.ID
Instagram: https://instagram.com/yamatosarden.id/
Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/YamatoSarden.id/
Blibli : https://blibli.com/brand/yamato-sarden

Kitchen equipment by MODENA

Kitchen cabinet by METRIC


TEFLON Pizza Recipe, Only 7 Minutes! [No Kneading, Crispy, Fluffy, a la Pizza Hut]

Pizza is one of the most popular Italian dishes. This circular and flat bread is usually topped with tomato sauce and cheese. This time, I'm modifying it a bit using two types of baking methods: with an oven and with a Teflon. The topping is Yamato Sardines which has a nice flavor without any fishy smell. This Sardines Pizza can be your favorite new snack at home.

Teflon Pizza Recipe (for 2 pans / 6 servings)

Dough ingredients:
135 ml warm water
7 g yeast
7 g sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1.5 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey
250 g medium-protein flour

Topping ingredients:
3 clove garlic, sliced
1 pc shallots, sliced
100 g shiitake mushroom, sliced
2 tbsp oil
1 can Yamato Sardines
10 pc bird's eye chili, sliced
2 tbsp chili sauce
4 tbsp tomato sauce

Other ingredients:
120 g grated mozzarella cheese
2 pc black olive
2 tbsp olive oil

1. Mix warm water, yeast, and sugar evenly. Let it bloom.
2. Add the salt, honey, and olive oil in. Mix well.
3. Add the flour. Mix until well-incorporated.
4. Rub some oil on the board or the table. Divide the dough into two equal parts and flatten with a rolling pin to match the pan's diameter.
5. For the pizza’s topping, sauté the garlic, onion, and mushroom until fragrant. Add the Yamato Sardines, bird’s eye chili, chili sauce, and tomato sauce. Cook until thickens.
6. Turn the Teflon on medium heat. Add some oil and cook one side of the pizza until it's cooked.
7. Flip the pizza and add the sardines and mozzarella toppings. Place the lid on and cook on medium heat until the pizza is cooked.
8. For oven-baked pizza, brush the pizza pan with some oil and place the pizza dough on top. Place the sardines, mozzarella, onion, and black olive toppings. Add a bit of olive oil. Bake at 220°C for 8-12 minutes.


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We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Pizza Hut. Its official website can be found at https://www.pizzahut.com

#MasakEnakYamato #ResepPizza #ResepPizzaTeflon #ResepDevinaHermawan

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