0 Views· 22 September 2022
★南瓜湯 簡單做法★ | Pumpkin Soup Easy Recipe
張媽媽【媽女廚房-南瓜湯】, 簡單方便又健康! 最適合喜歡煮食但生活節奏很忙的朋友, 海外學生也適合喔!請Like我們的的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung presents "Cheung’s Kitchen Pumpkin Soup” recipe, it is easy to make and healthy to eat! Perfect for those who love to cook but with a hectic lifestyle. This is a great recipe for those overseas students too!
We hope you like this recipe! Please subscribe to my channel, give us a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
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材料 Ingredients (四人份量/4 persons):
五百克南瓜 500g Pumpkin
二百克洋蔥 200g Onion
五十克西芹 50g Celery
適量水 Water
一湯匙白酒 1 TBS white wine
五百毫升雞湯/雜菜湯 500ml Chicken / Vegetable stock
兩片月桂葉 2 Bay leaves
少許鹽,胡椒粉 Salt & pepper to taste
忌廉適量 Pouring cream (optional, to taste)
橄欖油適量 Olive oil
Bouquet Garni做法:
將以以下的材料,用一片大蒜包起來, 食用繩綁好
Make your own Bouquet Garni:
Using the outer layer of Leek, wrap the following herbs and trim everything to the same length as the bay leaf as a guide. Tie up with a piece of string.
Bay leaf x 1
Parsley stalk a few
Thyme x 1 stalk
Leek x 1 piece
Food safe string x 1 piece
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食譜: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspo....t.com/2017/04/pumpki