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3 Views· 25 June 2022

Kue Tepung Beras Gula Putih | White Sugar Rice Cake | Gluten Free



Paling suka membuat kue tepung beras bersarang, mencoba berbagai macam resep yang berbeda beda, kali ini coba membuat dari resep "josephine recipes"

Kue Tepung Beras Gula Putih | gluten free
(White Sugar Rice Cake "josephine recipes")
Recook: Vinastar Channel

150 gram tepung beras
150 gram air suhu ruang

110 gram gula pasir
150 gram air panas

1 sdt ragi instan (fermipan, mauripan)
1 sdt gula pasir
1 sdm air hangat (bukan panas)

1/2 sdt baking powder

*Tips keluarkan kue dari loyang saat sudah benar benar dingin jika perlu tunggu semalaman, mengeluarkan kue dalam keadaan masih panas/hangat akan mudah hancur dan cenderung lengket


White Sugar Rice Cake (josephine's recipes)
Recook: Vinastar Channel
150g rice flour
150g water

110g white sugar
150g hot water

1 tsp yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp warm water

1/2 tsp baking powder

*Remove the cake from the pan when the cake is completely cold, if necessary wait overnight. When You Removing the cake from the pan while it is hot or warm it's will be crumble easily and tend to sticky

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