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3.4K Views· 13 September 2022

Wet Aged vs Dry Aged Beef | What is Dry Aged Beef? | The Bearded Butchers


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Today is all about Dry Aged vs Wet Aged, the differences, and how the steaks look when they're grilled. This isn't something to try at home, we have a commercial dry age room. There are some products available for home use but we can't recommend them specifically and this isn't specifically about how to dry age beef. This is something that can be unsafe if done incorrectly. The difference is simply that dry aged is refrigerated under controlled conditions left open, and wet aged is the same but the beef is vacuum sealed. Any time you buy a vacuum sealed bag of beef, it's wet aged.

6:02 - Beef dry ages the best, the fat in other meats like pork are more likely to turn rancid. Dry aged beef also needs to have some fat to avoid excessive evaporation losses.

11:36 - How long can you wet age beef and how long can you wet age beef? Here is dry aged and wet aged beef side by side in the cooler for 6 weeks!

You may find that dry aged steaks cost more, it's because there is yield loss. Nearly a pound in the steaks in our video.

17:46 - Wet aged steaks vs dry aged steaks cookoff and taste test at 22:40!

We used our very own butter blend as a base with black blend on top:
Black: https://bit.ly/3l63LS2
Butter Blend: https://bit.ly/37x2tvd
This is in fact the very first time we've done more than one flavor on one steak!

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