2 Views· 18 December 2022
One-Pot Pasta Bolognese ワンポットパスタ ボロネーゼ
I made a one-pot, or rather one-pan, Bolognese that can be made in just one pan. It is a super lazy recipe that does not involve boiling the pasta separately. But the taste is authentic. You can have good pasta in 10 minutes. Try it for lunch today.
*Recipe* (for 1 serving)
100g ground beef and pork
100g pasta
30g onion
Half a clove each of garlic and ginger
11g Worcestershire sauce (can be substituted with okonomiyaki sauce or tonkatsu sauce)
9g olive oil (less than 2/3 tablespoon)
2g (2/3 tsp) granulated consommé
190 g water (if adding red wine, reduce the amount of water)
Salt and pepper as needed
Parmesan cheese and parsley as needed
How to make
1.Place half of a 100 g piece of minced meat in a frying pan and 100 g of pasta folded in half on top of it, so that they cross each other.
2.Sprinkle 30g of chopped onion and half a clove each of chopped garlic and ginger on top.
3.On top, add 60 g canned tomatoes, 12g (2/3 tablespoon) ketchup, 11 g (less than 2/3 tablespoon) Worcestershire sauce, 9g (2/3 tablespoon) olive oil, 2g (2/3 teaspoon) consommé. Sprinkle the remaining half of the minced meat from (1)
4.Add 190g water. (This time, I added 50 g of red wine, so I reduced the amount of water by that amount.), cover with a lid, and heat.
5.Once the water comes to a boil, reduce the heat to medium-low and cook for the same amount of time as indicated on the pasta package.
6.Remove the lid and stir. Heat while evaporating the water until the pasta is well-cooked. Season with salt and pepper.
7.Dish out the pasta. Place on a plate and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and parsley. I think I'll have a glass of wine at noon.
合いびき肉 100g
パスタ 100g
玉ねぎ 30g
にんにく・しょうが 各 半かけ
カットトマト缶 60g
ケチャップ 12g(大さじ 2/3)
ウスターソース 11g(お好み焼きソースやとんかつソースでも代用可)
オリーブオイル 9g(大さじ 2/3弱)
顆粒コンソメ 2g(小さじ 2/3)
水 190g(赤ワインを入れる場合はその分水を減らしてください)
塩・コショウ 適宜
パルメザンチーズとパセリ 適宜
1.フライパンに合いびき肉 100gの半量、その上に半分に折ったパスタ 100gをクロスするように置く。
2.その上にみじん切りにした 玉ねぎ 30g、みじん切りにした にんにく・しょうが 各半かけ分を散らす。
3.その上からカットトマト缶 60g、ケチャップ 12g(大さじ 2/3)、ウスターソース 11g(大さじ 2/3弱 お好み焼きソースやとんかつソースでも代用可)、オリーブオイル 9g(大さじ 2/3弱)、顆粒コンソメ 2g(小さじ 2/3)を入れる。(1)の残り半量の合いびき肉を散らす。
4.水 190g(今回、飲み残しの赤ワイン 50gを入れたので、その分水を減らしました)を入れる。蓋をして火にかける。