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2 Views· 28 September 2022

《大舜》第6集 | 中国最牛帝王传奇曲折一生的爱恨情仇 | 宗峰岩、赵文瑄、聂远主演古装历史传奇剧 | The Great Shun



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导演: 吴子牛
编剧: 张晓虎
主演: 宗峰岩 / 沈傲君 / 赵文瑄 / 杨梓铎 / 聂远
类型: 剧情 / 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
首播: 2015-07-26(中国大陆)
集数: 35
又名: 舜帝

 大舜是四千六百多年前的上古英雄,由于他“至孝”的名声,和耕作、渔 猎、制陶等方面的卓越才能,以及人品、 人格的独特魅力,被华夏首领唐尧看中, 将娥皇和女英两个女儿嫁给大舜。大舜不负圣命初展才华,他治理华 夏、东夷流血争夺的妫汭之地,使其一年 成聚,两年成邑,三年建都,成为双方的 贸易中心。当时天下洪水泛滥,四凶作 乱,身为摄政王的大舜杀了治水不力带头 谋反的鲧,然后启用鲧的儿子禹继续治 水,终于降服了水患,发展了经济。大舜 在政治上以德治国,修订立法,建立五 刑,使民族融和,天下和谐。最终,一统 天下的大舜将帝位禅让给禹而不是自己的 儿子商均,成为历史上伟大的帝王和原始民主制度的楷模。

►Synopsis :
Shun was an ancient hero in China over 4,600 years ago. Because of his reputation as "utmost filial piety", his outstanding talents in farming, fishing, hunting, and pottery, and his unique charm of character and personality, he was appreciated by the Emperor Yao and married to Yao’s two daughters Ehuang and Nvying. Shun lived up to Yao’s sacred mandate and showed his talents by governing the Guirui land which Huaxia and Dongyi were battling for. Shun made it a gathering in one year, a town in two years, and a capital in three years, turning it into a trade center for both sides. At that time, the world was flooded and the Four Perils brought great disaster to people. As the regent, Shun killed Gun, who failed to control the flood and took the lead in rebellion, and then appointed Gun's son Yu to continue combating the flood. Finally the flood receded and the economy developed. Shun governed the country by great virtue, amended the law, and established five punishments, so as to unite the nationalities and stabilize the country. In the end, Emperor Shun handed over his throne to Yu instead of his own son Shangjun.

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