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0 Views· 14 November 2022

做法超简单的美味燕麦谷物脆 Super Crunch Healthy Granola



燕麦谷物脆 - Granola 是欧美的很盛行的一种健康早餐。它是将燕麦片,坚果,蜂蜜或糖和油脂一起烘培到黄金酥脆的健康食物。这个食谱做过很多次,之前也分享过 (请参考我的网页)。它低油,无糖,只用蜂蜜来增加风味。最大的特点是加了蛋白来提高酥脆的口感。我做过加蛋白和无蛋白的燕麦谷物脆, 发现加了蛋白的酥脆度更高。


1) 燕麦片 - 180g
2) 生核桃 - 150g
3) 南瓜籽 - 80g
4) 甜椰丝 - 10g
5) 肉桂粉 - 1 tsp
6) 盐 - 1/2 tsp
7) 食用油 - 2 tbsp
8) 蜂蜜 - 4 tbsp
9) 蛋白 - 40g(大概一颗A蛋的蛋白重量)
10) 葡萄干 - 适量(可用任何果干)

1) 燕麦片,生核桃,南瓜籽,甜椰丝,盐和肉桂粉放在一个盆子里,拌均。
2) 食用油和蜂蜜混合均匀,加入燕麦谷物,拌均匀。
3) 蛋白打到起泡泡,不需要打发,加入燕麦谷物,拌均。
4) 预热烤箱300°F/150°C。
5) 烤盘铺烘培纸,把燕麦谷物平铺在烤盘。
6) 烤25-30分钟,每10分钟翻拌一次。
7) 烤好的燕麦谷物脆呈金黄色,摸上去是干的,冷却后就会变得酥脆。
8) 加入果干拌均后放在密封的盒子。

**我用16 X 12寸的烤盘。如果烤盘比较小,烘烤的时间会比较长,记得间中要适时翻拌好让燕麦谷物都能均匀上色。

Granola is a healthy breakfast and snack food. It consists of rolled oats, nuts, honey or sugar and fat, usually baked until it's crisp and golden brown. I make this recipe many times because it's simple, healthy, low fat and no sugar added. It has the perfect sweetness, just lightly tossed with a bit of honey. The secret ingredient for this recipe is egg white, it adds extra crunch to granola without calories!!!

Feel free to replace walnuts and pumpkin seeds with your favorite nuts and seeds (like almonds or cashews) as long as all the ingredients can be well-coated with oil and honey mixture. I like walnuts because it's rich in antioxidants and supports good brain function. You may eat it plain, mix with Greek yogurt or drown it into milk.

1) Rolled oats - 180g
2) walnuts - 150g
3) pumpkin seeds - 80g
4) sweetened coconut flakes - 10g
5) salt - 1/2 tsp
6) cinnamon- 1 tsp
7) cooking oil - 2 tbsp
8) honey - 4 tbsp
9) egg white - 40g (about one egg white from a grade A egg)
10) raisins - handful

1) In a large mixing bowl, combine oats, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sweetened coconut flakes, salt and cinnamon powder. Stir to blend.
2) Stir together cooking oil and honey until combined. Pour into the oats mixture and mix until everything is lightly coated.
3) Whisk egg white with fork until foamy, pour into oats mixture, stir to blend.
4) Preheat the oven to 300°F/150°C.
5) Line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Pour granola onto the prepared pan, use spatula to spread it in an even layer.
6) Bake 25-30 mins, stir every 10 mins.
7) Granola is ready when golden-brown and dry to touch. It will crisp up as it cools.
8) Let it cools completely before top with dried fruit. Store the granola in airtight container at room temperature.

**My baking pan is 16 X 12 inch. If your baking pan is smaller, the baking time will be longer. Make sure stirring every 10 mins to help it brown evenly.
**Pairs well with dried fruit to add a hint of sweetness to granola.

Some of the items that I used in making granola 部分相关食材:
1) Rolled oats 燕麦片 - https://amzn.to/2yajw86
2) Unsweetened coconut flakes 甜椰丝 - https://amzn.to/2WZY12g
3) Himalayan pink salt 喜马拉雅盐 - https://amzn.to/3cIWOTB
4) Sun-maid Raisins 葡萄干 - https://amzn.to/2za9EeX
5) Sun-maid Watermelon Sour Golden Raisins 西瓜味葡萄干 - https://amzn.to/3g0kJjh
6) Sun-maid Strawberry Sour Golden Raisins 草莓味葡萄干 - https://amzn.to/3dYUAQ3
7) Reynolds Kitchens parchment paper 烘培纸 (喜欢这个牌子的烘培纸,品质好,又可以重复使用2-3次 - https://amzn.to/2Z9Cx5P

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#燕麦谷物脆 #granola #健康早餐 #烤燕麦

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