236296 Views· 12 September 2022
Film Theory: We're Watching Evil Morty's Origin Story! (Rick and Morty Season 5)
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This season of Rick and Morty feels different... and I'm not the only one to think so! Many fans of the series have pointed out how this felt like a return to season on Rick and Morty, dropping the more overarching story feel of the past few seasons. I think that was done for a REASON! A reason that I think is based on something fans have been asking to see for a long time - Evil Morty's origin story! Theorists, get ready for a wild timey-wimey ride!
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Writer: Matthew Patrick and Justin Kuiper
Editor: Pedro Freitas, Alex "Sedge" Sedgwick, and Tyler Mascola
Assistant Editor: Caitie Turner (viridianrosette)
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman
11 days agoEzekiel Gillingham
1 month ago