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0 Views· 19 September 2022

Tiramisu Bread with Lotus Biscoff ロータスビスコフをのせたティラミスパン



I want to make bread topped with a Lotus Biscoff that tastes and looks fabulous! That's what I thought and made this video. Lotus Biscoff go well with coffee, so I decided to make coffee-flavored bread. “I'd like to sandwich a creamy cream.” “How about a tiramisu style?” “How about cream with cream cheese and sprinkled with cocoa powder?” So I tried to make it.The taste was to Moso's liking. The appearance of the bread was also to Moso's liking.
I first encountered Lotus Biscoff 28 years ago when I was served them on a plane on my honeymoon. Since then, I have been eating Lotus Biscoff, which I have always thought were delicious and tasty, and they are now available at the local supermarket and have become my daughter's favorite food.

*Recipe* (for 8 pieces) (can also be kneaded by hand)

coffee bread
1 egg ( 25g of which for the bread, the rest for the coating with an equal amount of water
105g water )
200g bread flour
3g instant dry yeast
20g sugar
6g skimmed milk powder
4g (2 tsp) instant coffee
½ teaspoon salt
20g unsalted butter (brought to room temperature)
8 Lotus cookies

Cream cheese cream
85g cream cheese
35g sugar
15g rum
200g fresh cream
cocoa powder as appropriate

How to make:

Make coffee bread
1.Combine 25g egg and 105g water.
2. In a bowl, mix 200g bread flour with 3g instant dry yeast.
3.Mix in 20g sugar, 6g skimmed milk powder, 4g (2 tsp) instant coffee, and 1/2 tsp salt.
4.Put (3) in the bread case of the bread baking machine and press the start button of kneading.
5.Pour half of (1) in the middle and the other half around.
6.When the dough comes together nicely (after 10 minutes from the start), add 20g of unsalted butter (at room temperature) and continue kneading. The dough has been kneaded for 20 minutes.
7.Remove from the bread case and roll.Place the dough, seam side down, in a lightly oiled bowl and let it rise for 35 minutes at 40°C to prevent it from drying out. It should be a little less than doubled in size.
8.Take out (7) and divide into 8 pieces (about 47g each). Roll the dough into a ball, place the tops face down, cover with a wet cloth, and allow to rest for 10 minutes.
9.Roll out the dough into an oval shape and fold in from both ends. Stretch lightly, fold in half, and close tightly. Place on a baking tray lined baking sheet with the seam facing down.
10.Strain the egg mixture left over from (1) and spread with an equal amount of water.
11.Brush (10) on (9) and press 8 Lotus cookies to stick together.
12.Place a sheet of baking paper, place a baking tray for weighting, let the dough rise again as a second rising for 15 minutes at 40°C.
13.Preheat the oven to 200°C, lower the temperature to 190°C, and bake for 10 minutes.
14.After baking, drop the baking tray on the table. Cool it on a net.

Make cream cheese cream
15.Soften 85g cream cheese.
16.Add 35g sugar and 15g rum, in that order, and mix.
17.Add 200g of fresh cream little by little and mix.
18.Whisk until slightly firm. Put it in a piping bag and cool it in the refrigerator.
19.Cut a slit in (14) and insert (18) between the slits. Sprinkle with cocoa powder.
20.Done. Super yummy.



卵 1個(うち25gはパンに、残りは同量の水と合わせて塗布用に使います)
水 105g
強力粉 200g
インスタントドライイースト 3g
砂糖 20g
スキムミルク 6g
インスタントコーヒー 4g(小さじ 2)
塩 小さじ ½
ロータスビスケット 8枚

クリームチーズ 85g
砂糖 35g
ラム酒 15g
生クリーム 200g
ココアパウダー 適宜


1.卵 25gと水 105gを合わせて。
2.ボウルに強力粉 200gとインスタントドライイースト 3gを入れ混ぜる。
3.砂糖 20g、スキムミルク 6g、インスタントコーヒー 4g(小さじ 2)、塩 小さじ 1/2を入れ混ぜる。
7.パンケースから取り出し、丸める。トジメを下にし、薄く油を塗ったボウルにいれ、乾燥しないように1次発酵(40℃ 35分)する。2倍弱の大きさになればよい。
11.(9)に(10)を刷毛で塗り、ロータスビスケット 8枚を押し付けてくっつける。
12.オーブンペーパーをのせ、重し用の天板などを置き、2次発酵(40℃ 15分)する。

15.クリームチーズ 85gを柔らかくする。
16.砂糖 35g、ラム酒 15gを順に入れ、混ぜる。
17.生クリーム 200gを少しずつ加えながら混ぜる。

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