11 Views· 19 September 2022
Heart Key and Lock Cookies Recipe for Valentine's Day 鍵と錠クッキー バレンタイン
These are key and heart lock cookies. Tie them with a ribbon and present them to your valentine. Kind of like, "This is the key to my heart."
*Recipe* (2 sheets, about 30 cookies)
1. Sift the flour. Sift together 45g of plain dough flour and 45g of cornstarch, and using the same sieve, sift together 35g of cocoa dough flour, 45g of cornstarch, and 10g of cocoa powder.
2. Put 80g of unsalted butter warmed to room temperature in a bowl and mix with a whisk.
3. Add 60g of sugar distributed over 2 times, and mix each time.
4. Add 30g of milk and mix.
5. Divide 4 into 2 parts (about 85g each), and add several drops of vanilla oil to just one.
6. Add the mix with vanilla oil from step 5 to the plain dough flour, add the other mix to the cocoa dough flour, and gently fold in to mix.
7. Form together each dough from step 6, cover in plastic wrap and roll out to a thickness of 3mm, then let rest in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
8. Cut 7 into the shapes you like and place on cooking sheet. Make holes for the ribbon to pass through. You can use egg whites as glue to paste the dough together.
9. Heat oven to 180℃ and bake for 15 minutes.
10. Once 9 has cooled, tie together with a ribbon. To make the ribbon stand out, we recommend adorning them with a simple wrapping.
*レシピ*(天板 2枚分 クッキー 約30枚)
1.粉類をふるう。プレーン生地用に薄力粉 45g、コーンスターチ 45gを合わせてふるい、同じフルイでココア生地用の薄力粉 35g、コーンスターチ 45g、ココアパウダー 10gを合わせてふるう。
2.ボウルに室温に戻した無塩バター 80gを泡立て器で混ぜる。
3.砂糖 60gを2回に分けて加え、その都度、混ぜる。
4.牛乳 30gを入れ、混ぜる。