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1 Pogledi· 13 Prosinac 2022

Eat Any of These 10 Foods Before Bed To Burn Fat While Sleeping



Have you tried sleeping hungry? Do you think sleeping while starving can help you lose weight faster? One of the worst things you can do to your body is to go to bed hungry. While you may think it’s a good idea and will help you lose weight, as it turns out it can do more harm than good.


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In a nutshell:

Losing weight and losing fat comes down to being in a caloric deficit, but there are certain foods that can increase your metabolism. Keep on watching as we will walk you through the 10 foods that burn fat while you sleep! Studies do show that people who eat before bed are more likely to gain weight, but that might be because bedtime snacks tend to be higher in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats, and many bedtime behaviors (watching TV, scrolling through Instagram) lead to mindless munching. Further proof of the scientific seesaw about presleep snacks: One study published in the journal Nutrients found that a 150-calorie snack before bed may help your body utilize its protein sources to create muscle, and, in turn, boost metabolism. Still, eating a small nutrient-dense snack before bed can give your body the energy it needs to take care of metabolic functions while you are resting, especially if you exercise in the late afternoon or evening.

So while a bedtime snack isn't going to be the magic bullet to boost metabolism, it likely won't hurt your overall health goals—and can actually help you sleep more soundly and feel even better tomorrow. The optimal bedtime snack should fall between 150 to 250 calories, Thole-Summers says, and include a mix of fiber-rich carbs and protein to fill you up. The amount of calories you burn while sleeping depends on your weight. On average, a person will burn around 0.

5 calories per pound of their body weight for every hour of sleep. Eat Any of These 10 Foods Before Bed To Burn Fat While Sleeping Not only is string cheese incredibly tasty, but it can also aid in fat loss. It is very low in calories (most brands of string cheese contain less than 80 calories per serve) and high in protein. String cheese also doesn`t contain any carbs, meaning it`s amazing to eat before bed.

It is believed that your metabolic rate increases when you eat enough calcium and since string cheese contains 200mg per serve, it is the perfect snack-sized calcium bomb. If you`re not too big on eating avocados on their own, try making tasty guacamole out of them or mixing them with the next fat-burning food on the list: Cottage cheese. Avocado before bed can seriously aid in weight loss so why not try adding it to your diet now? Research by the Journal of Nutrition has shown that eating full-fat cottage cheese before going to bed can help you lose weight. The reason for that is that cottage cheese is extremely high in protein which releases to the body slowly and aids in restoring and building your muscle mass while you sleep.

Cottage cheese contains only 2. 7g of net carbs per 100 grams making it a great keto-friendly fat-burning snack that`s also very cheap to buy. Citrus fruits help temporarily increase your metabolic rate which makes your body burn fat faster. While all citrus fruits have fat-burning benefits, the best one of them to eat specifically for weight loss is grapefruit.


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