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2.7K Views· 15 September 2022

How rich should you be to buy an exotic car?


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How does exotic car financing work? https://youtu.be/9wDpAqCTjrU
How does Ed afford his cars? https://youtu.be/P7Rbb5SSvTc
How much does it cost to own an exotic? https://youtu.be/OpRzPVjNGNc
How to make a lowball offer: https://youtu.be/Rh7m9X6jojU
How to sell a car like a pro: https://youtu.be/6s3I4BQAy2w
How to prepare for an exotic purchase: https://youtu.be/aCfsm4KhSK8

@Ed Bolian explains what it takes to safely and comfortably afford an exotic car.

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#ExoticCars #CarBuying #CarDeals

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