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276258 Views· 15 February 2024

What is a PSMA PET scan? | Overview for Med Students | Urology


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In this video, I explain what a PSMA PET scan is and why someone might need a PSMA PET scan. It is ideal for med students and for newly qualified doctors who need a refresher on urology.

PSMA or prostate specific membrane antigen is an enzyme that is overexpressed in prostate cancer cells. (Gallium) PSMA PET scans are used for staging and treatment of prostate cancer (Lutetium).

0:00 Introduction
0:40 What is PSMA?
0:59 Radiopharmaceuticals
1:19 Indication: staging
2:17 Sensitivity/Specificity
2:34 Preparation?
2:41 Indication: treatment
3:27 For who?
3:34 Survival improvement?
3:39 The end

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22 days ago

You’ve outdone yourself with this one! 💯
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