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4.8K Views· 11 November 2022

What’s the difference? 5 confusing word pairs for work


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Learn the difference between five pairs of English words that are often used at work and in business. Many of these words are also used in a general context. I’ll talk about the difference between advise/advice, infer/imply, beside/besides, hard/hardly, and later/latter. I’ll also give you some bonuses, and we’ll practice these all together, too. If you want my advice, you should also do the quiz on EngVid. Or is that ‘advise’? https://www.engvid.com/5-confu....sing-word-pairs-for-

Learn about more confusing word pairs:
3 Commonly Confused WORD PAIRS in English https://youtu.be/SS1HXcroEvE
Confusing English: LIE or LAY? RAISE, RISE, or ARISE? https://youtu.be/MSvVLfWjdFE

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