5 Views· 18 December 2022
Remy's 5-Color Ratatouille with Bacon Roses レミーのおいしいレストラン風 5色のラタトゥイユとベーコンのバラ
After seeing all the the delicious food coming out of Disney's Ratatouille on Amazon Prime Video, we wanted to try making some of the dishes ourselves!
Though the dishes look hard to prepare, the only effort needed in this recipe is in the arrangement! We've cut out some of the harder parts to make it easier to prepare Remy's delicious restaurant style Ratatouille.
As long as you can cut your ingredients to the right size, you can put in what you like, and you'll end up with a gorgeous ratatouille, perfect for putting on your Instagram.
However, we think you can't leave out the yellow zucchini for the color and taste it provides! Once you get your hands on some yellow zucchini, please try making this along with the bacon roses, which can also be baked in the oven.
*Recipe* (makes enough for 1 heat resistant plate that is 16 cm)
First, make the bacon roses.
1. Cut open the center of the bacon, leaving around 1.5 cm at both ends.
2. Take one end and pass it through the cut you made in the center twice.
3. Take and end, and wrap the bacon into a roll, then run a long piece of pasta through the rolled bacon to hold it together.
If you cut the bacon in half beforehand, you can make smaller roses.
Making the Ratatouille
4. Cut up 1 eggplant, green or yellow zucchini, half a carrot each, and 5 tomatoes. Since the carrots take longer to cook, use a vegetable slicer to slice them thin. For the other vegetables, cut them into 3-4 millimeter slices. You will need a little over 20 slices of each vegetable.
5. Put your preferred choice of tomato sauce into the heat resistant plate. (This time I ended up using some leftover pizza sauce 100 g).
6. Arrange 4 onto 5.
7. Spread some olive oil on top, then sprinkle some salt and dry basil (dry oregano will work as well). Place an oven sheet on top to prevent it from burning.
8. Place 7 and 3 on a baking sheet, then bake in the oven at 170° C for 30 minutes. Remove the bacon 20 minutes in.
9. Arrange the Ratatouille and bacon on a plate, and dig in. The carrots were a bit hard this time. Please take care to slice them extremely thin.
Amazon Prime Videoでレミーのおいしいレストランを見ていて作ってみたくなりました。
手が込んでるように見えるけど、このお料理の頑張るところは並べるところだけ!難しいところは省略で、レミーのおいしいレストラン風 ラタトゥイユのできあがり。
*レシピ*(16センチの耐熱皿 1個分)
4.なす 1本、緑・黄色のズッキーニ、人参 各 半分、フルーツトマト 5個を切る。人参は火の通りが悪いのでスライサーで極薄切りする。それ以外は3~4ミリ程度の薄切りにする。各 20枚強必要。
5.耐熱皿にお好みのトマトソース(今回は冷蔵庫に余っていた市販ピザソース 100g)を入れる。
#レミーのおいしいレストラン #ラタトゥイユ #作ってみた #disney #pixar #ratatouille #diy #bacon #roses