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7 Views· 22 September 2022

{ENG SUB} ★ 瑞士雞翼 易學做法★ | Hong Kong Swiss Chicken Wings


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張媽媽【瑞士雞翼】,很開胃的地道香港菜,當小食或主菜伴飯一流!請like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。

MamaCheung's "Swiss wings", made with sweet soy sauce, a delicious dish invented in Hong Kong! I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.

#張媽媽 #雞翼 #chinesecooking

請大家幫忙做不同語言的字幕, Please help translate my video into different languages:


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材料 Ingredients:
十六隻冷凍雞翼 16 chicken wings
六十克 冰糖 60g rock sugar
三湯匙生抽 3tbsp soy sauce
一湯匙半老抽 1.5tbsp dark soy sauce
一湯匙紹興酒 1tbsp Shaoxing wine
一茶匙鹽 1tsp salt
半茶匙雞粉 1/2tsp chicken powder
六粒紅蔥頭 拍鬆 6 shallots, crushed
六塊薑片, 半寸厚, 拍鬆 6 slices of ginger
三片月桂葉 3 bay leaves
兩粒八角 2 star anise
九百毫升水 900ml water
粗鹽 rock salt
冰水 iced water

食譜 http://mamacheungcooks.blogspo....t.com/2017/03/hong-k

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