2.7K Views· 05 January 2025
The dungeon master's riddle - Alex Rosenthal
A group of adventurers has broken into your lair. Can you figure out who the cleric is before they start casting spells?
Yet another party of adventurers has broken into your lair to slay your minions and steal your treasures. Judging by the trail of destruction, you’re up against a fighter, a rogue, and a cleric. The first two won’t be a problem for a powerful necromancer like you— but the clerics' spells are trouble. Can you figure out which adventurer is the cleric before it’s too late? Alex Rosenthal shows how.
Lesson by Alex Rosenthal, directed by Igor Ćorić, Artrake Studio.
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Animator's website: https://www.artrake.com
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