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10 Views· 12 September 2022

8 Things NO ONE TELLS YOU About Supplements



These are 8 little-known things that no one mentions about supplements. Learn not only how to take supplements for muscle growth like creatine and protein but also learn which supplements are best for weight loss. Best of all you'll figure out which supplements you should take and which ones are a waste of your money like multivitamins...watch the video to find out more.

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It's not uncommon to come across supplement ads that promise that you can burn fat and build muscle without even trying. Just buy the supplement. Unfortunately not only is the world of supplements full of false advertising and overhyped promises, but it also preys on beginners and people that don't understand that supplements will never replace hard work and consistency. So to help you make better choices with the supplements you buy I want to go over 8 things that no one tells you about supplements. 

And first I want to start with multi-vitamins because I know a ton of you are on the multivitamin train. To be exact, According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, 33% of the US population (1.5) takes a multivitamin regularly. And I know your doctor might've told you that they help, and I'm just a guy on youtube, but at least consider the evidence that your multivitamin supplement might just be completely useless. Of course, it does depend on your situation but everyone should know that there are multiple meta-analyses that find no evidence that taking a multivitamin supplement will increase life expectancy. (7) On top of that most leading multivitamin brands that you would recognize, contain ingredients with very low bioavailabilities, such as magnesium oxide, which has a very poor absorption rate, meaning it won’t do much. Another common issue is that the majority of these vitamin supplements are made up of cheap nutrients that are already easy to get from your diet, and you're just taking in extra for no reason. Not only is this useless, but over-supplementation can actually be harmful because many vitamins and minerals interact, and overconsumption of one can cause a deficiency in another, even if you're taking the so-called adequate intake. (8) Also the irony of all of this is that the micronutrients that many people are actually deficient in like vitamin d, vitamin k, and Iodine are either not present or present in very small amounts within multivitamins. This is because consuming too much of these can cause toxicity and no multivitamin manufacturer wants to deal with a lawsuit. So if you're thinking about taking a multi-vitamin, instead of taking a shotgun approach, figure out which micronutrients you are actually deficient in, if any, and then fix those. If you take a blood test and find out that you're deficient in a certain nutrient then you can supplement with that one nutrient or even better yet find real food that you can eat to take in more of that nutrient. Real food is typically a better option because as far as we've come with nutrition science, we truly don't know if there are still a ton of essential nutrients within fruits, vegetables, and whole foods in general that we haven't even discovered yet. So how would any supplement company be able to put a nutrient that we haven't even discovered yet, into a man-made multi-vitamin?

Well, Another thing that you probably don't know about supplement research is that it's highly affected by something known as “Positive Publication Bias.” This means that scientific journals have a bias towards publishing research with positive outcomes. The reason why they do this is that the studies with positive results tend to draw more attention than studies that debunk useless supplements. Also, it's almost impossible to scientifically prove a negative result that's why research that finds that a supplement doesn't do anything, oftentimes, it doesn't even get published. So to put this into perspective, let’s say that one supplement goes through two trials. And let's say that one trial shows that it benefits muscle growth while the other trial finds that it actually has no effect. Due to "positive publication bias", the study with a positive outcome is way more likely to be published, which can give a false impression that a supplement works even though not all evidence shows that to be true. to give a direct example, we have websites like examine.com that happen to be great resources, covering hundreds of supplements, backed by what looks like a large amount of scientific research. However, it's very important to keep in mind that sites like this that promote supplement research, whether they're doing it consciously or unconsciously - they most likely are affected by "positive publication bias." After all, they wouldn't have much business if they basically stated that 99% of supplements suck. Which they do... And many times they end up promoting supplements that...

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