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18 Vues· 04 Novembre 2022

How is a 6


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Many people have wondered how a 6" neo-magnet is shipped. In this video I show you how.
This is not an unpacking video since I unpacked the magnet a long time ago but I have kept most of the original packaging as an easy way of storing the magnet relatively safe.

Captions in case you don't understand my english with a danish accent:
Hello. Since I published the video with my monster 6" neodymium magnet a lot of people have been interested in how this magnet was delivered without sticking to everything.
Since I kept the original packaging as a storage for the magnet I can now show you how.
The magnet comes in a surprisingly small box but there is a little trick involved as you will soon see.
The box had 4 plastic strips around it as seen on the marks where I point.
Under an initial layer of styrofoam the little trick is revealed. The box has a thin sheet of iron in the top and bottom to shield - or rather redirect - the magnetic field from the magnet.
The sheet is pulled strongly towards the magnet so I have to be careful not to get cut.
Now I place the sheet far away from the magnet to avoid it flying against the magnet and through me with its sharp edges.
The next layers are made of pieces of plywood which can't be compressed like the styrofoam.
After digging through more layers of styrofoam and plywood we find the magnet wrapped in plastic and paper. When delivered it came in vacuum packed plastic and paper wrapping like shown here with a much smaller magnet.
It takes a little persuasion to get the magnet out since it is attracted to the sheet of iron in the bottom af the box.
But there you have it: over 6½ kg of raw magnetic force.
So.. is it really shielded? No. Only enough for the postman to get it out of the van but still have some 'What-da-f**k'-experiences. Yeah... he hates me...

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