3 Views· 19 November 2023
애호박은 아침식사로 밥대신 이렇게 드세요‼️ 토스트 보다 더 맛있고 건강해서 매일 먹고 싶어요😍
#무니키친 #계란요리 #애호박요리
💜 스타우브 행사 종료 💜
☎️ 고객센터 1661-6945
👩🏻 안녕하세요. 여러분💜
애호박과 계란으로 새로운 아침식사 만들어 보세요.
영양 듬뿍, 만들기도 쉽고 너무 맛있어서 추천합니다.
🥗 재료
애호박, 감자, 계란, 소금, 치즈
✔︎ 👩🏻🍳 추천하는 영상
◦ 누적조회수 320만! 건강하게 오래살고 살빠지는 레시피 13가지 👉🏻https://youtu.be/m3QLOhJG5YM
◦ 간단하고 빠른 한 그릇 다이어트 식단 10가지 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/HeUBLYRbhw0
◦ 누적조회수 250만! 맛있고 살빠지는 오이요리 10가지 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/T9i0o0QX_qY
◦ 누적조회수 150만! 거의 매일 먹고 싶은 살빠지는 가지요리 10가지 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/9XAMNGx8s6Q
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#MoonyKitchen #EggRecipe #ZucchiniRecipe
🌟 Instagram
👩🏻 Hello. everyone 💜
Make a new breakfast with zucchini and eggs.
It's nutritious, easy to make, and so delicious, I recommend it.
🥗 Ingredients
Zucchini, Potatoes, Eggs, Salt, Cheese
👩🏻🍳 Recommended Video
◦ 3.2M views! 13 Healthy Weight Loss Recipes 👉🏻https://youtu.be/m3QLOhJG5YM
◦ 10 Easy and quick one bowl healthy recipes 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/HeUBLYRbhw0
◦ 2.5M views! 10 delicious cucumber dishes 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/T9i0o0QX_qY
◦ 1.5M views! 10 eggplant dishes you want to eat almost every day 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/9XAMNGx8s6Q
✔︎ Translated language
Zucchini is tastier than meat‼️ I've never eaten such a delecious zucchini dish.👍🏻😋
ズッキーニは肉より美味しい‼️ こんな美味しいズッキーニ料理食べたことない👍🏻😋
Zucchini schmeckt besser als Fleisch‼️ Ich habe noch nie so ein leckeres Zucchinigericht gegessen.👍🏻😋
Кабачки вкуснее мяса‼️ Такого вкусного блюда из кабачков я еще никогда не ела.👍🏻😋
Zucchini lebih sedap daripada daging‼️ Saya tidak pernah makan hidangan zucchini yang begitu lazat.👍🏻😋
Bí ngòi ngon hơn thịt‼️ Chưa bao giờ ăn món bí ngòi nào ngon như vậy.👍🏻😋
El calabacín es más sabroso que la carne‼️ Nunca había comido un plato de calabacín tan delicioso.👍🏻😋
Кабачки смачніші за м'ясо‼️
Le zucchine sono più gustose della carne‼️
Zucchini lebih enak daripada daging‼️
Kabak etten daha lezzetli‼️
Abobrinha é mais gostoso que carne‼️
Les courgettes sont plus savoureuses que la viande‼️
Mas masarap ang zucchini kaysa sa karne‼️
✔︎ Frequently used products
There are some benefits when purchasing iHerb products through the link below.
($5 discount on iHerb's first order, 5% off existing customers)
Olive Oil 1 https://iherb.co/6K66gZd
Olive Oil 2 https://iherb.co/tNLRNMi
Salt 1 https://iherb.co/hdk4Jz2
Salt 2 https://iherb.co/e1mGHwg
Vinegar https://iherb.co/VXUKA6i
Pepper 1 https://iherb.co/a1NgQof (with grinder)
Pepper 2 https://iherb.co/wSwvtXt
Paprika Powder https://iherb.co/FcT4qW1 (Flavor Up)
Allulose 1 https://iherb.co/TMKZWry
Allulose 2 https://iherb.co/WH6Z61Z
Nahan and https://iherb.co/n571Yuw
Crushed Red Pepper https://iherb.co/BJQTfYQ
👉🏻 MoonyKitchen's Vlog
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MoonyKitchen's video is only uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV.
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✔︎ Thanks for good music.
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email lunechoi@naver.com