5 Views· 14 July 2022
Build and Deploy a Voice Powered React App - Budget Tracker | Context API, Local Storage, Speechly
In this video, you're going to build a Complex Expense Budget Tracker. While building it, you're going to learn many advanced React & JavaScript topics. Some of them are State Management in React, Context API, Local Storage, Material UI, and how to create a scalable React folder structure. But most importantly, you're going to learn how to add voice capabilities to your applications using Speechly.
⭐ Speechly - https://www.speechly.com/
📚 Materials/References:
GitHub Code (feel free to give it a star ⭐) - https://github.com/adrianhajdi....n/speechly_expense_t
NPM packages: npm i react@16.12.0 react-dom@16.12.0 @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons @material-ui/lab @speechly/react-client @speechly/react-ui chart.js react-chartjs-2 uuid
Speechly Dashboard - https://api.speechly.com/dashboard/
Background Image - https://pasteboard.co/JHehdEm.png
Styles - https://gist.github.com/adrian....hajdin/58d4454849ab9
Categories Constants - https://gist.github.com/adrian....hajdin/d6622041e7c21
Speechly Config - https://gist.github.com/adrian....hajdin/aa28f5c4928d0
Complete Path to JavaScript Mastery - https://www.completepathtojavascriptmastery.com
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#expensetracker #reactjs #reactproject