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103 vistas· 11 Julio 2022

3 Simple Mindsets That Drive You Towards Success



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Tim Ferriss' TED Talk on fear setting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J6jAC6XxAI

3 Mindsets That Will Change Your Life

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These three tips of mindsets that will change your life will be discussed today, courtesy of Tim Ferris! Whether you realize it or not, every action that you take is generated by your mindset. And those actions add up to give you the life that you have which is why, in this video, we're going to cover three counter-intuitive mindsets for changing your life and this comes straight from Tim Ferris whom I'm a huge fan of and I'm going to tell you how I used these to change my life. But before we get into it, one little thing, stick around to the end because we are making a hire at Charisma on Command; I'm going to tell you about that and how you can make some money for referring that person. Here's what Tim has to say about it.

"I find that levels of success in almost any industry or area correlate to a person asking great questions. In some cases, they seem absurd. In fact, the hallmark, in a way, of great questions is that it sounds completely ridiculous."

0:28 First mindset is to ask ridiculous questions
2:25 Tim Ferris talks about fear-setting
5:16 Set one thing that will make the entire day a win

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