1 Views· 22 September 2022
Resep ONIGIRI SOSIS TELUR Bahan Lokal ! [Sausages & Egg Onigirazu / Sushi Sandwich]
Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
02:00 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:56 : masak nasi (cooking the rice)
04:09 : rebus sosis (boiling the sausage)
05:22 : membuat scrambled egg (making Scrambled Egg)
06:13 : assemble onigirazu dan serving (assembling and serving the Onigirazu)
#ResepOnigiri #ResepOnigirazu #ResepDevinaHermawan
Onigirazu, Onigiri modern yang sangat kekinian dengan menggunakan Kanzler Cheese Cocktail, cocok banget buat ide jualan, sarapan atau bekal ke kantor dan sekolah.
Resep Sausages & Egg Onigirazu (untuk 2 porsi)
Bahan nasi:
180 gr beras jepang (140 gr beras biasa + 40 gr beras ketan putih)
250 ml air
½ sdt garam
Bahan lainnya:
Sosis Kanzler Cheese Cocktail
3 sdm mayones
2 butir telur
2 lembar rumput laut / telur dadar
¼ sdt garam
Lada hitam sesuai selera
1. Campurkan beras biasa dengan beras ketan putih kemudian cuci
2. Masukkan ke dalam rice cooker lalu tambahkan air, masak hingga matang
3. Setelah matang, aduk nasi lalu masukkan garam, aduk rata
4. Simpan nasi ke dalam mangkuk kemudian tutup dengan plastic wrap
5. Rebus Sosis Kanzler Cheese Cocktail selama 1-2 menit, tiriskan
6. Kocok telur, tambahkan garam, aduk rata
7. Panaskan sedikit minyak, masukkan telur, masak hingga setengah matang sambil diaduk
8. Ambil satu lembar rumput laut, tuang nasi, ratakan
9. Tambahkan mayones, lada hitam, telur, Sosis Kanzler Cheese Cocktail, dan nasi kemudian gulung sambil ditekan
10. Sausages and egg onigirazu siap disajikan
Jangan lupa cek Instagram @TEMANKANZLER
Instagram: https://instagram.com/temankanzler
Tokopedia: https://tokopedia.link/FohflvTxddb
Shopee: https://shopee.co.id/kanzlerofficial
Blibli: https://www.blibli.com/merchan....t/kanzler-officialst
Sausage & Egg Onigirazu Recipe (yield 2 servings)
Rice ingredients:
180 g Japanese rice (140 g regular rice + 40 g white glutinous rice)
250 ml water
½ tsp salt
Other ingredients:
Kanzler Cheese Cocktail Sausage
3 tbsp mayonnaise
2 pc egg
2 pc nori / omelet
¼ tsp salt
Black pepper, to taste
1. Mix regular rice with white glutinous rice and rinse.
2. Place into the rice cooker and add water. Cook through.
3. Once the rice is cooked, stir and season with salt. Mix well.
4. Transfer the rice into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap.
5. Boil Kanzler Cheese Cocktail Sausage for 1-2 minutes. Set aside.
6. Whisk the egg. Season with salt and stir.
7. Heat some oil. Add the egg in and cook until half-done while stirring.
8. Get one sheet of nori. Add rice evenly.
9. Add mayonnaise, black pepper, egg, Kanzler Cheese Cocktail Sausage, and rice. Wrap and pack it in.
10. Sausage and Egg Onigirazu is ready to serve.
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Business inquiries: contact@devinahermawan.com
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