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2 Views· 12 September 2022

5 Tips to Flatten Your Stomach (Permanently)



These 5 Little-Known Tips will help Flatten Your Stomach without crazy diet restrictions. If you're tired of being told the same common weight loss advice over and over again you'll really enjoy this video. These tips will help you reduce your belly fat long term rather than constantly regaining it back. These 5 crucial fat loss tips really changed my life and I think they'll help you as well.

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We've all been told to reduce our calories, drink more water, and to work out a lot, as well as a bunch of other common fat loss tips that we've heard over and over again, but in all my years of dieting and training myself and helping others there are really 5 crucial things that emerged that completely changed the game for me and truly made a fat loss and staying lean so much easier. So today I want to share these five powerful tips with all of you because I really feel like anyone of these alone can make a huge difference. And the very first one that I want to start with is cycling calories. Now calorie cycling is something that many people know about but most people don't understand how powerful a tool it is, and all the ways that it can be used so that's why I want to break down the specifics that make it a true game-changer. When most people try to eat less with a diet designed to burn fat they're following a continuous energy restriction model. In this model, you eat fewer calories than you burn every day which ends up leading to fat loss. To illustrate a simple example let's say that to break even your maintenance calories would be at 2500 calories a day. So you subtract 500 calories per day every day, which means you're now eating 2000 calories per day which will leave you with a deficit at the end of a week of 500 times 7 which is 3500 calories. Now in a very simplified way we can say that calorie cycling for fat loss is when you have more calories on some days and fewer calories on other days to achieve an overall calorie deficit over time. So for example, if you had 1500 calories every other day 4 days a week, and then on the other 3 days of the week you had 2650 calories which are a calorie surplus of 150 calories on those 3 days, you would still wind up burning 3550 calories at the end of the week which is the same as being in a calorie deficit every single day. Once you understand this concept you can use calorie cycling in a million different ways 2 truly make your diet more enjoyable, convenient, and sustainable. When you're required to eat in a calorie deficit every single day, even with a small deficit, it begins to feel like you're perpetually dieting. Like you never really get to a destination, even if you are burning fat you never get to the point where you're there and you can let your guard down and eat without worry and that is a big part of why in the long run most people that were excited about their diets early on end up quitting. On the other hand, by cycling your calories you get breaks every single week that make it feel like you're not even dieting and you can set it up in whatever way works best with your lifestyle and preferences. For example, currently, I really enjoy eating whatever I want on the weekends. So in order to be able to do that while still burning fat and staying lean, I simply reduce my calories further throughout the week by incorporating things like fasting and simply eating less food on weekdays. Ultimately at the end of the week, it balances out and I'm allowed to eat freely without worrying about gaining fat. So one example to illustrate this is let's say that I fast for 24 hours on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. And I eat at maintenance on Tuesday and Thursday so once again let's pretend that to maintain I need to eat 2500 calories. Well so far by the end of the day on Friday, I have just created a 7500 calorie deficit. Now on the weekend, I have a lot more room to eat the foods that I want to eat. So even if I ate 4000 calories on Saturday and Sunday I would still wind up with a 4500 calorie deficit at the end of the week. Keep in mind this is just one example you do not have to fast at all when you set this up for yourself but the point is that you have to start viewing fat loss from wider lense, you don't have to be in a deficit every single day which psychologically speaking is a huge benefit especially in the long run. The same idea can be applied if during one day you unintentionally pigged out and ate way too much food when you were supposed to be in a deficit. Well with a couple days of fasting..

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