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1242 Views· 10 September 2022

How strong is PINE softwood? Test Tuesday!


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Today we're doing a strength test of pine. Last time we had a look at how much load a single screw can take in 18mm MDF and American White Oak, so I thought it would be interesting to compare the results with a softwood. As mentioned in the video, softwoods go by many different names in the UK - 'pine' is a bit of a generic term and no guarantees that this is actually pine. This is a full thread axial load test for the longer screws, so the tip is sticking out the other side of the wood. All tests are of axial load for comparative purposes. Wood screws used:

SilverScrew single thread 5 x 40mm
TurboGold single thread 4 x 30mm
SilverScrew single thread 4 x 16mm

We're also doing the one and a half turns test - how much weight can a wood screw take with one and a half turns of the screw in to pine?

How strong is Oak? https://youtu.be/2KaJlDC0ZdM
How strong is MDF? https://youtu.be/O_FUtMuag9c
Shead Load T-Shirt: https://teespring.com/en-GB/shear-load

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#TestTuesday #Pine #DIY

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