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2 Views· 10 November 2022

椰蓉吐司面包 | 4K | Coconut Bread Loaf


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This is a beautifully shaped bread, using desiccated coconut and egg yolk as the filling, the whole bread presents a charming golden yellow. The fluffy bread is wrapped in a layer of sweet and delicious coconut filling, sweet but not greasy, full of coconut fragrant, very delicious.

In the process of making this bread, the temperature of the dough must be controlled very well, especially when the room temperature is relatively high in summer. It is difficult to knead the dough out of good gluten when the temperature of the dough is high. When styling, be sure to freeze the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, otherwise the filling will stick everywhere.

1 条/Loaves
9x4x4"烤盒配方 Recipe for 9x4x4" pullman pan:
🍞面包材料 Bread Ingredients
高筋面粉 Bread Flour 320 g
即溶酵母 Instant Yeast 4 g
食盐 Salt 5 g
细砂糖 Caster Sugar 18 g
蛋白 Egg White 32 g
炼乳 Condensed Milk 35 g
牛奶 Milk 65 g
冷水 Cold Water 95 g
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 32 g
🥥馅料 Filling
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 32 g
糖粉 Icing Sugar 20 g
蛋黄 Egg Yolk 20 g
炼乳 Condensed Milk 10 g
椰蓉 Desiccated Coconut 35 g

1 条/Loaves
450g烤盒配方 Recipe for 450g pan:
🍞面包材料 Bread Ingredients
高筋面粉 Bread Flour 260 g
即溶酵母 Instant Yeast 3 g
食盐 Salt 4 g
细砂糖 Caster Sugar 14 g
蛋白 Egg White 28 g
炼乳 Condensed Milk 28 g
牛奶 Milk 52 g
冷水 Cold Water 76 g
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 26 g
🥥馅料 Filling
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 26 g
糖粉 Icing Sugar 16 g
蛋黄 Egg Yolk 18 g
炼乳 Condensed Milk 8 g
椰蓉 Desiccated Coconut 28 g

*烤箱提前10-15分钟预热至350°F/ 180°C,中下层烤37分钟至表面金黄色。
*Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C 10-15 minutes in advance, and bake in the middle-lower rack for 37 minutes until the surface is golden brown. When the bread is baked for about 20 minutes, if the top colour is very golden brown, cover with a layer of tin foil at this time to avoid burning the top

💕小贴式Tips 液体材料牛奶,鸡蛋,炼乳,冬天的温度大约是10°C左右(提前20分钟从冰箱取出),夏天的温度大约是3°C左右。夏天提前把干性材料称量好,密封盖好后,放入冰箱冷藏1-2小时降温。同时把搅拌盆和搅拌勾放入冰箱冷藏1-2小时。面团温度低时,会更容易搅打出面筋。
Liquid ingredients milk, eggs, condensed milk, the temperature in winter is about 10°C (take out from the refrigerator 20 minutes in advance), the temperature in summer is about 3°C。After weighing the dry ingredients in advance in summer, cover them and put them in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to cool down. Put the mixing bowl and mixing hook in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Controlling the dough temperature will make it easier to knead.

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