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107942 Views· 06 March 2023

RUSSIAN SALAD WITH CHICKEN | Or Olivier | BEST FOR PARTIES. Tasty Salad. Recipe by Always Yummy!


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What is the secret of olivier salad, called «russian» in Europe and USA, popularity? Apparently it its perfect combination of ingredients. This meal is perfect as a salad or filling for tartlets or toasts for festive table or party.There are many recipes of this salad yet important to know that it is quantity of ingredients and way of cutting that gives olivier salad an incomparable taste. See in our video recipe.
lb onion and eggs at once, add these ingredients right before serving. 4. Add mayonnaise by parts to see a necessary amount, a salad should not be weltered in mayonnaise. 5. You can use boiled meat or sausage instead of chicken.
📙FULL RECIPE - ⁣https://youtu.be/fDqI2mGVarc

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Why isn’t this viral yet?! 🚀
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