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1422 Views· 02 November 2022

The Beretta 1301 Tactical Shotgun. The Italian Stallion is here.


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The Beretta 1301 has already garnered itself a legendary reputation amongst shot-gunners around the world due to it's light weight, excellent ergonomics and speedy cycling of shells. The question is how does it compare to the venerable Benelli M4, a combat shotgun that has proved itself serving amongst the USMC and other services. In today's video we'll be doing a dive on the Beretta 1301, hope you enjoy.

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00:00 Epic Beretta 1301 intro
2:27 Sponsorships :)
3:33 Comparisons to Benelli M4
4:05 Beretta 1301 Barrel
4:45 Sights
6:05 Langdon Tactical upgrades
7:00 Reliability Concerns
7:30 Cycling Speed is very fast
9:10 Recoil Comparison Beretta 1301, Benelli M4, Benelli M2
11:06 Keeping shotgun fed / why the Beretta 1301 is better at loading
14:24 Match Saver / Life Saving round
15:25 Swapping ammunition on the fly
16:14 Esstac Shotgun Placards / Side Saddle
16:58 Ghosting that Beretta 1301 Trigger / Benelli M4 Trigger
18:00 The Stock / Langdon Tactical Upgrades
18:46 Final Thoughts Beretta 1301 vs Benelli M4
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Skallywag Tactical - https://www.skallywagtactical.com/

Mira Safety (Best commercial gas mask) - https://www.mirasafety.com/​

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Xidax (My Computer Sponsor) - https://mbsy.co/xidax/104960295

Sony A7SIII - https://amzn.to/3okgbez

GMaster Lens - https://amzn.to/39xuAvc

Sennehiser Mic - https://amzn.to/39BRrFW

Zoom H4 - https://amzn.to/3AEXiWM

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