4K Views· 06 September 2022
No Squats! No Hops! No Floor Work! - Advanced HIIT Cardio & Weights Workout For Seniors | 36Min
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Senior Fitness Podcast With Meredith
In this exercise video Meredith is guiding you through a fun and energizing cardio with weights HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) advanced workout. This particular routine features moves that DO NOT involve squatting, hopping or going to the floor. This is designed to be a challenging yet achievable workout for anyone who may have knee issues, or prefer not to do floor exercises.
This is still an advanced routine taking advantage of the wide range of movements we can achieve with a little bit of intensity, resistance and effort. Dumbbells/weights are optional for this workout. Make sure you choose a weight that is still light enough to use for cardio movements (substitute water bottles or cans of soup!).
This is and advanced level routine so take a moment to preview this workout before you begin especially if you are not yet familiar with HIIT style exercises. Also make sure you take breaks when you need to, only do moves that you are comfortable with and always have your water close by:)
Have a great workout!
Team Meredith