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0 Views· 14 November 2022

在家也能轻松制作美式餐厅级的烧烤肋排 无油烟料理 Fall-Off-The-Bone Oven Baked Pork Ribs


费时不费力的无油烟料理 - 美式烤肋排(≧∇≦)ノ。抹上自己调过的烧烤酱,甜中带酸,搭配香软滑嫩,入口即化的肉质,一点也不输给美式餐厅的烤肋排。



猪肋排一扇 - 1.4 kg

1)盐 - 1 tbsp
2)黑胡椒粉 - 1 tbsp
3)蒜粉 - 1 tbsp
4)洋葱粉 - 1 tbsp
5)匈牙利红椒粉 - 1 tbsp
6)棕糖 - 1 tbsp

1)美式烧烤酱 - 1/2 杯
2)番茄酱 - 1/2 杯
3)醋 - 2 tbsp
4)棕糖 - 1/2 杯



Pork back-ribs - 1.4 kg

Dry rubs:
1)Salt - 1 tbsp
2)Black pepper - 1 tbsp
3)Garlic powder - 1 tbsp
4)Onion powder - 1 tbsp
5)Paprika - 1 tbsp

Barbecue Sauce:
1)BBQ Sauce - 1/2 Cup
2)Ketchup - 1/2 Cup
3)Vinegar- 2 tbsp
4)Brown Sugar - 1/2 Cup
5)Brown Sugar - 1 tbsp

1)Use paper towel to pat dry the ribs, peel off the membrane at the bone-side of the ribs.
2)Combine all the dry rubs together, rub the seasoning all over the ribs at both side.
3)Spray foil with cooking spray, put the ribs on foil with meat-side up. Fold the foil around it to create a tight seal.
4)Preheated oven to 300°F/150°C,bake the ribs for 2 1/2 hours.
5)Prepare the barbecue sauce while the ribs is in the oven. Mix all the sauce ingredients together, set aside.
6)Remove the ribs from the oven, open the foil carefully. Beware of the hot steam.
7)Increase the oven setting to 410°F/205°C, spread the top of the ribs with barbecue sauce and bake for 10 mins. Repeat brushing the sauce and bake for further 10 mins or until the ribs is lightly char.

**Be sure to coat your ribs with good amount of salt and pepper. Feel free to use your favorite dry rubs for extra flavor.
**I like to use the store bought bbq sauce as base and add ketchup, vinegar and brown sugar to adjust the sweetness and tanginess.
**You may need to half the sauce according as I prepare extra barbecue sauce for later use.
**I use heavy duty aluminium foil, use two layer of foil to wrap if the foil is thin.

FB Page:https://www.facebook.com/yeercorner/
红椒粉 Paprika:https://amzn.to/3cOwMgM
厚锡纸 Heavy Duty Aluminium Foil:https://amzn.to/30pZRgf

#烤排骨 #烤肋排 #ovenbakedporkribs #bbq #烤猪排骨

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