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3 Ansichten· 03 November 2022

Making an adze - Blacksmithing.



Forging an adze from a single piece of steel and hand carving a handle. No power tools. A lot of treadle hammer. Open the full video description for more information.

A big lightweight adze with outsite bevel. An adze is used for chopping concave shapes example roughing out a wooden bowl.


Materials: Spring steel, oak wood, tung oil.


A few quick questions:

1. What steel did you use?
A single piece of spring steel. Leaf spring from the local junk yard.

2. What wood did you use?
Oak. Dead standding tree from the local forrest.

3. Do you sell?
No. Don't sell anything.

4. What oil did you use?
Tung oil.

5. What "power hammer" is that?
Treadle hammer and here is a video only about the hammer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmru3hXj47U


Here can you see how I made the outdoor blacksmith shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWgESobxudc&t=86s


Location: Denmark - my property.


Video gear: Nikon D7000, Nikon 50 1.8, Røde videomacro, iMovie.


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