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2.8K Views· 13 November 2022

Extra soft and fluffy Chocolate Brioche


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Ingredients | Ingrediente
500g t45 flour | faina
10g salt | sare
100g caster sugar | zagar fin
20g fresh yeast | drojdie proaspata
5 eggs | oua
200g unsalted butter | unt nesarat
Extra for cocoa dough | Extra pt coca de cacao
25g cocoa powder | pudra de cacao
35g milk | lapte

Chocolate filling | Filing de chocolata
120g unsalted butter | unt nesarat
30g chocolate | ciocolata
150g brown sugar | zahar brun
7g vanilla | vanilie
10g honey | miere
1 orange zest | razatura de la o portocala
110g flour | faina
120g egg whites | albus
30g cocoa apowder | pudra de cacao

Shynning sirup | Sirop stralucitor
160g caster sugar | zahar fin
125g water | apa
25g honey | miere

Were you can buy the Loaf Tin | De unde poti achizitiona forma de copt

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All the tools used in my videos | Ustensile folosite in videoclipurile mele

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#cozonac #brioche #chocolate #bread

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