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3 Views· 17 April 2022

Bisa TANPA Mixer! Resep Cheesecake 4 Bahan Ter-LEGIT [Anak Kos Masuk]


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00:00 : intro
01:13 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:41 : mulai membuat crust (making the crust)
03:22 : mulai membuat adonan cheesecake (making the cheesecake batter)
07:08 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Cheesecake merupakan sajian kue yang terbuat dari bahan dasar keju. Kali ini aku akan share resep cheesecake super gampang tanpa oven. Terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu bagian crust menggunakan biskuit dan bagian isi menggunakan krim keju. Perpaduan rasa manis, asam, gurih dan tekstur cheesecake yang lembut dijamin bikin ketagihan.

Resep Cheesecake (untuk 6 porsi)

300 gr cream cheese
60 gr mentega
75 gr susu kental manis
2 sdt vanilla beans / essence (opsional)
1 sdm jeruk nipis (opsional)
Garam sesuai selera (opsional)

Bahan crust:
30 keping biskuit Roma Kelapa
75 gr margarin / mentega cair

Kelapa sangrai
Whipped cream

1. Hancurkan biskuit Roma Kelapa hingga halus, campurkan dengan margarin / mentega cair, aduk rata
2. Masukkan campuran biskuit ke dalam loyang. Ratakan dan tekan-tekan hingga padat. Masukkan ke dalam lemari pendingin ± 15 menit
3. Aduk cream cheese hingga lembut lalu masukkan susu kental manis, garam, jeruk nipis, vanilla, dan mentega. Aduk hingga tercampur rata
4. Masukkan adonan cheesecake ke dalam loyang. Dinginkan di lemari pendingin sekitar 6-12 jam atau di freezer 1 jam hingga set
5. Hias dengan kelapa sangrai dan whipped cream. Cheesecake siap disajikan

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Only 4 Ingredients, No Oven No Mixer. Melt-in-Your-Mouth Cheesecake Recipe

Cheesecake is a dessert with cheese as its main ingredients. This time, I'm sharing a super easy cheesecake recipe, no oven needed. There are two parts to this recipe: the crust, made with biscuits, and the filling, made with cream cheese. The combination of sweet, tart, and savory flavor with the soft cheesecake texture will definitely make you come back for seconds.

Cheesecake Recipe (for 6 servings)

300 g cream cheese
60 g butter
75 g condensed milk
2 tsp vanilla beans / essence (optional)
1 tbsp lime juice (optional)

Crust ingredients:
30 pc Roma Kelapa biscuits
75 g margarine / butter

Toasted coconut
Whipped cream

1. Crush the Roma Kelapa biscuits to a fine crumb. Combine with the margarine / butter and mix well.
2. Add the biscuit mix into the mold. Even it out and press until firm. Cool in the fridge for ±15 minutes.
3. Whisk the cream cheese until it's soft. Add the condensed milk, salt, lime juice, and vanilla. Mix well.
4. Add the cheesecake batter into the mold. Cool in the fridge for 6-12 hours or in the freezer for 1 hour until it's set.
5. Garnish with toasted coconut and whipped cream. Cheesecake is ready to serve.


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