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2 Views· 22 September 2022

TANPA Oven, Praktis! Resep COOKIE BONBON: Anak & Keluarga Suka! [Bola-Bola Cokelat]


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Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**

00:00 : intro
00:49 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:34 : membuat adonan cookie (making cookie dough)
02:24 : bentuk dan bekukan cookie (shaping and freezing the cookies)
03:00 : hias cookie sesuai selera (decorating the cookies)
04:02 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepCookieBonbon #ResepCookies #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Cookie Bonbon (30 pcs)

4 pack Good Time Double Choc
6 sdm mentega, lelehkan
4 sdm selai cokelat
4 sdm kental manis
1/4 sdt garam, opsional

Bahan lainnya:
Dark chocolate, cincang, lelehkan
Topping sesuai selera

1. Haluskan Good Time Double Choc dengan food processor lalu masukkan kental manis, mentega cair, garam, dan selai cokelat, aduk rata
2. Pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk lalu cetak cookie 3/4 sendok makan kemudian bentuk bulat
3. Pindahkan ke dalam piring atau loyang yang sudah dialasi baking paper lalu simpan di dalam freezer selama 10-15 menit
4. Celupkan cookie ke dalam lelehan cokelat, ratakan
5. Simpan cookie ke dalam loyang yang sudah dialasi baking paper kemudian taburkan topping sesuai selera

Yuk ikutan activity Good Time Kitchen dan jangan lupa upload kreasi kamu juga!

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Bukalapak: https://bukalapak.com/arnotts-official


Cookie Bonbon Recipe (yield 30 pcs)

4 pack Good Time Double Choc
6 tbsp butter, melted
4 tbsp chocolate spread
4 tbsp condensed milk
¾ tsp salt

Dark chocolate, chopped and melted
Topping, to taste

1. Grind Good Time Double Choc with a food processor. Add condensed milk, melted butter, salt, and chocolate spread. Mix well.
2. Transfer to a bowl. Add the dough into a tablespoon about ¾ full then shape into a ball.
3. Place on a plate or a baking pan lined with baking paper. Freeze for 10-15 minutes.
4. Dip the cookies into melted chocolate evenly.
5. Place the cookies in a pan lined with baking paper and sprinkle the toppings on top.


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