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1 Views· 19 September 2022

Trick Recipes: Chocolate Salami (with no actual chocolate) なんちゃってチョコレートサラミ


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#TrickRecipes #Chocolate #Salami #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #なんちゃって
We tried making fake salami. Though people usually say "chocolate salami," this time, the recipe does not use chocolate. Chocolate salami with no chocolate, you say!? What the? However, how about giving this as a Valentine present to someone who doesn't like chocolate? Containing pine nuts for nourishment and alcohol, this is a taste for adults. The salami will keep for up to one week in the fridge, so you can make it ahead of time.

*Recipe* (Makes two logs)
1. Take 15g of pine nuts, then coarsely chop half of them.
2. Take 100g of biscuits, and smash them up roughly.
3. Take 50g of room-temperature, softened unsalted butter, put it in a bowl and mix it.
4. Mix in 45g of sugar.
5. Mix in 6g (one tablespoon) of cocoa powder.
6. Mix the ingredients from step 5 into step 2.
7. Combine 10g of rum (two teaspoons) and 10g of water (two teaspoons), then mix into the ingredients from step 6.
8. Mix ingredients from step 7 into the ingredients from step 1.
9. Take the mixture from step 8, divide it into two equal portions, then wrap the portions in plastic wrap and mold them into salami log shapes.
10. Chill the logs in the fridge to harden them. If you take the logs out partway through and fix their shapes, they will harden nicely into proper salami.
11. Wrap the logs again in aluminum foil. Once they’re wrapped to look like real salami, you’re done!
This is ready to eat the day after making. You can crush the biscuit even more finely to make it look closer to real salami.

なんちゃってサラミを作ってみました。いわゆる、チョコレートサラミですが、今回のレシピはチョコレートが使われていません。チョコレートを使ってないのにチョコレートサラミとは!?なんじゃそりゃ?ですが、チョコレートが苦手な方へのバレンタインデーのプレゼントにいかがですか?体にいい松の実やお酒も入った大人の味です。冷蔵庫で1週間ほど もつので、作りおきができるのもナイスですね。

1.松の実 15gは、半量を粗く刻んでおく。
2.ビスケット 100gは、粗く砕く。
3.ボウルに室温に戻して柔らかくなった、無塩バター 50gを入れ混ぜる。
4.砂糖 45gを入れ混ぜる。
5.ココアパウダー 6g(大さじ 1)を入れ混ぜる。
7.6にラム酒 10g(小さじ 2)と水 10g(小さじ 2)を合わせたものを入れ混ぜる。


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