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1 vistas· 15 Septiembre 2022

Cheesekut Recipe| iCookAsia



Get the Cheesekut recipe here:


250gm of cream cheese
1 packet of biscuits
Sufficient of fresh milks
½ can of sweet concentrated milk
Sufficient of nestum


1. First, using a mixer mix cream cheese until it turns white and fluffy.

2. Then add sweet concentrated milk and mix again.

3. Next add 1 or 2 tablespoons of fresh milk and mix well. The mixture must not to thick or not to light. Then set aside.

4. After that, dip the biscuits into a fresh milk and place into a container. Then layered with cream cheese mixture and sprinkle the nestums. Repeat the steps until it’s all done. Press the biscuits to ensure the solid layered.

5. Keep in the freezer overnight before served.

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