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0 Views· 19 September 2022

Strawberry Raw Cheesecake いちごレアチーズケーキ 母の日



I made a Mother's Day no-bake cheese cake using cute strawberries. The sweet and sour taste of strawberries can be refreshingly tasted in this raw cheese cake.
It's almost the end of the strawberry season. Strawberry, you are really beautiful.
*Recipe* (for 1 round 14.5cm mold)

1 sheet of commercial sponge cake No. 5(diameter approx. 15 cm)

Raw cheese cake:
30g water
8g powdered gelatin
80g cream cheese
50g sugar
160g unsweetened yogurt
1 teaspoon strawberry syrup
8 strawberries
8 blueberries

Jelly :
225g hot water
9g powdered gelatin
45g sugar
8g lemon juice

How to make
1.lay a sponge cake in a mold (purchased at a 100 yen store) that the bottom can be removed.
(This time, I bought a commercially available No. 5 sponge and used it. If it was left as it was, a gap would be created and the raw cheese cake dough would flow out, so weigh the entire sponge, crush it, and spread it without gaps. I did.) You could also use 70g of finely crushed biscuits with 35 g of melted unsalted butter as the bottom.

Make a raw cheese cake
2.Sprinkle 8g of powdered gelatin into 30g of water.
3.Beat 80g of room temperature cream cheese until smooth.
4.Add 50g of sugar and mix.
5.Add 160g of unsweetened yogurt and mix.
6.Heat (2) in a microwave oven at 600w for 20 seconds to dissolve the gelatin.
7.Add (6) while mixing (5).
8.Set aside about 90 ml of the mixture, add about 1 teaspoon of strawberry syrup, and color. I used Monin strawberry syrup.
9.Pour (8) into the heart molds and chill in the freezer.
10.Leave a little (35ml / 38g) of the remaining dough, pour it into (1), and cool it in the refrigerator. It will harden in 2 to 3 hours.

Make the jelly on the top (double the amount in the video)
11.Put 9g of powdered gelatin in 225g of hot water at about 80 ℃ and dissolve.
12.Add 45g of sugar and dissolve.
13.Add 8g of lemon juice and mix.

14.When (9) has set, remove from the mold. It is better to take it out after it is frozen well. I was impatient and it lost its shape.
15.Put (14) on (10).
16.Top with strawberries and blueberries.
17.Pour the cooled (13) into (16). Repeat the process of adding the jelly in stages and refrigerating until the strawberries and blueberries are fixed in the desired position.
18.After all the jelly is poured in, refrigerate until firm.
19.Done. It would be cute if you garnish with greens such as chervil.

キュートないちご を使って母の日仕様のレアチーズケーキを作りました。いちごの甘酸っぱい美味しさが、さわやかに味わえるレアチーズケーキができました。
なごりおしいけど、いちごの季節も もうそろそろ おしまい。いちごさん、君はほんとに美しいね。

*レシピ*(14.5cm 丸型 1個分)

市販のスポンジ 5号 1枚

水 30g
粉ゼラチン 8g
クリームチーズ 80g
砂糖 50g
無糖ヨーグルト 160g
いちごシロップ 小さじ 1 程
いちご 8個
ブルーベリー 8個

お湯 225g
粉ゼラチン 9g
砂糖 45g
レモン汁 8g


細かく砕いたビスケット 70gに溶かし無塩バター 35gを入れたものをボトムにしてもよいと思います。

2.水 30gに粉ゼラチン 8gを振り入れておく。
3.室温に戻したクリームチーズ 80gをなめらかになるまで混ぜる。
4.砂糖 50gを入れ混ぜる。
5.無糖ヨーグルト 160gを入れ混ぜる。
8.90ml程を取り分け、いちごシロップ 小さじ 1 程を入れ、着色する。シロップはモナンストロベリーを使いました。

11.80℃程度のお湯 225gに粉ゼラチン 9gを入れ溶かす。
12.砂糖 45gを入れ溶かす。
13.レモン汁 8gを入れ混ぜる。


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